Primary care physician. Lifestyle doctor. Adventurer.

  • Lifestyle doctor

    With a personalized approach focused on your goals, together we determine the most effective and achievable lifestyle modifications.
  • Primary care physician

    In addition to treating illness, primarily focused on promoting health.
  • Adventurer

    Outside of my work I also have a passion for challenge and adventure on a personal level.

It is in the Roots, not the branches, that a tree's greatest strength lies.

As a physician, I focus on treating disease, but most importantly, on promoting health. I guide people towards a healthier lifestyle that fits within their abilities and desires.
A healthy lifestyle is the most powerful foundation for preventing illness or limiting its impact, just as a tree draws its strength from its roots, in order to flourish into it’s buds.

What is lifestyle medicine?

In recent decades, conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint problems and mental health issues have increased dramatically.
Often, these diseases are the result of our changed eating and living habits. Too little exercise, unhealthy diet and chronic stress weaken our body’s particularly clever regulatory systems.

Fortunately, it is almost always possible to influence this process through lifestyle modifications.

When this succeeds, you gain more control over your life, less (or even no) medication is usually needed, and future health risks are drastically reduced.
And even in the absence of illness, there are gains to be made with a healthier lifestyle to get the most out of each day!

Within lifestyle medicine, we first identify where you stand, what factors are affecting your individual health and what factors are getting in the way of change. Then we look for where the opportunities lie, focusing on effective lifestyle changes that can be sustained over the long term.

For who?

With expertise and personal attention, I support you in becoming the most vital version of yourself.

Whether your goal is a marathon or staying fit enough to play with your (grand)children, based on your wishes and abilities you will be supported in a medically responsible way to achieve these goals.

You set the course, with your personal physician as support.

About me

During my medical studies, because of an affinity for sports, I came into contact with exercise physiology and did research on metabolic diseases.
Then, during internships in sports medicine in Oxford and Nottingham, I saw how people in England try to get and keep people of all ages moving.
Back in the Netherlands, as a board member of Student & Lifestyle Association, I became further inspired by the effects of nutrition and lifestyle interventions on the prevention and treatment of chronic lifestyle-related diseases.
Work experience within cardiology and mental health care, where I saw up close the often serious consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, further increased the motivation to focus on prevention and lifestyle medicine.
Personal experiences as an elite athlete and human being also taught me during this period how important it is to be mentally balanced in addition to being physically fit at
Through continued training as a family physician and the lifestyle coaching course for physicians at the Academy for Lifestyle and Health (AVLEG), I further specialized in supporting people to become the most vital version of themselves.

General Medicine – University of Maastricht
Lifestyle Coaching Training for Physicians, Academy for Lifestyle and Health (AVLEG)
Calisthenics Trainer A – Calisthenics Training Institute (COI)
: Master of Science Medicine – University of Rotterdam
2018: Master class Science & Cycling – excercise testing in endurance athletes

Personal challenges

I also enjoy challenges outside of work. My latest adventure: breaking speed records on both my trusty bike and recumbent.


Interested in personalized medical counseling?
Lifestyle goals you want to work on, or are considering?
Do not hesitate to contact me for a free 30-minute phone consultation.

The practice is located in green surroundings at the gateway to the Limburg Hill Country and has examination equipment, sports racks, weights, a changing room and sanitary facilities.

Behind the practice space is a spacious meadow with orchard, swimming pond and gymnastics rack, providing a variety of outdoor exercise options as well.

The practice is easily accessible by bicycle, with plenty of space to park your bike.

Are you coming by car? You can park in the parking spaces across from the practice for free.

About Davíd

Primary care physician, accredited lifestyle coach.
BIG registration: 29925464501

Contact details

Hommerter Allee 66,
Amstenrade, Zuid-Limburg
